"Most Innovative
Depression & Anxiety Treatment
Solutions Developer 2021"

– Global Health & Pharma

Our team

Dr. Avraham Shoshani

Chairman, Director of Scientific Research and Development

Dr. Abraham Shoshani

Abraham Shoshani is a serial entrepreneur and business man. He is an expert in Neuro Science, Performance education and Insight. His book ‘Experiencing your potential’ influenced many readers in the world, interested in the realm of body and mind.
Dr. Abraham Shoshani  published an article about the Brainfulness technology in the magazine “Depression & Anxiety”.

Dr. Gregory Katz

Chief Science Officer, Resercher

Dr. Gregory Katz, MD

Gregory Katz is a Psychiatrist, Director of Emergency unit in the Jerusalem Mental Health Centre-Kfar Shaul Hospital affiliated to Hadassah Medical School- The Hebrew University Jerusalem. Serves as lecturer of Psychiatry in Hadassah Medical School and is an autor of dozens of published articles in different fields of mental health research.

Tal Miller


Ms. Talya Miller, M.A.

30 years of international experience in founding Companies, Management, PR, Marketing and Sales. B2B and B2C

Gerard Henzen

COO & BizDev Manager

Mr. G.J.J. Henzen, MBA.

Gerard Henzen is an operational business manager with a financial background with more than 30 years of experience in managing sales and distribution organisations in a multinational environment. Work experience in the USA, Europe and China. MBA in managing global companies and bridging cultural diffrences.

Ayala Ashkenazi

Vice CEO, Project Management

Ms. Ayala Ashkenazi

Over 10 years of experience in Project Management.
Digital Marketing certificate – Psagot.
Bachelors degree in Education.

Chief Financial Advisor

Mr. Roman Galay, MBA.

Rich experience of more than a decade in the fields of financial consulting, financing and real estate in Israel and around the world. In his previous positions Roman gained knowledge and expertise in the fields of financial consulting, financing and financial analysis of complex real estate transactions.

Nuriel Shoshani

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Nuriel Shoshani, MBA.

Nuriel Shoshani has 35 years of  extensive experience in finance, economic and business development with specialisation in economic planning. Nuriel is an expert of the Israeli industry in different fields, as a chief economist he was in charge of giving investment and grant approvals to many Israeli industrial companies. Between the years 1988-1992 he was the Israeli counselor for economic affairs in Mexico. He recieved his MBA degree from the economic faculty of the Hebrew  University in Jerusalem.

oded talmon

Industrial Engineer, IT Expert and Business Consultant

Mr. Oded Talmon, B.Sc

12 years of experience in Website Consulting, Strategic Planning, Branding and building a prominent and professional Online Presence. He has helped several businesses grow successfully in Israel & Mexico.


Article that was published in the official journal of the American Association of Depression and Anxiety:
Repetitive Triggered Somatosensory Discrimination as a Potential Treatment for Treatment Resistant Depression and Anxiety: A Pilot Study.
Lately we have got a license from the Israeli health ministry to use our device as a medical device for treating depression patients. This is the Israeli FDA equivalent.
Hebrew certificate
English certificate
4 Approved patents in Germany, Japan, U.S and Israel.
Approval from Ministry of Health to use the device on human being obtained.
Grant from Israeli Chief Scientist received.
Approval Helsinki committee obtained.
A working proto-type of the device has been built.
An open-pilot clinical study has been done using the device, with outstanding positive results, including 30 chronic patients who were resistant to any treatment and comfort major side effects. So we have proof of concept.


View our FundIt page and help us improve patient quality of life by using our patented and proven technology and create a hand-held device that eliminate any side effects of todays available treatments, like anti-depressants and electro-magnetic therapy’s